67. Add Binary

1 Description #

source: https://leetcode.com/problems/add-binary/ Given two binary strings a and b, return their sum as a binary string.

Example 1:

Input: a = "11", b = "1"
Output: "100"

Example 2:

Input: a = "1010", b = "1011"
Output: "10101"


  • 1 <= a.length, b.length <= 10^4
  • a and b consist only of '0' or '1' characters.
  • Each string does not contain leading zeros except for the zero itself.

2 Solution #

class Solution {
  string addBinary(string a, string b) {
    // runtime complexity: O(N), N = max(a.size(), b.size());
    // space complexity: O(N), N = max(a.size(), b.size());
    auto p_a = a.c_str();
    auto p_b = b.c_str();
    auto sizea = a.size();
    auto sizeb = b.size();
    std::string result = (sizea > sizeb ? a : b);
    int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
    int carry = 0;

    for (i = sizea - 1, j = sizeb - 1, k = result.size() - 1; i >= 0 || j >= 0;
	 i--, j--, k--) {
      int add_result = 0;
      if (i >= 0) {
	add_result += p_a[i] - '0';
      if (j >= 0) {
	add_result += p_b[j] - '0';

      add_result += carry;
      if (add_result % 2 == add_result) {
	result[k] = add_result + '0';
	carry = 0;
      } else {
	result[k] = add_result % 2 + '0';
	carry = 1;

    if (carry != 0) {
      result = '1' + result;
    return result;