1 前言 按照维基百科的说法,FizzBuzz问题 是一个简单但是常见的面试编程问题(可能以前常见,现在都是考Leetcode了,这种连Easy 都...
1 前言 按照维基百科的说法,FizzBuzz问题 是一个简单但是常见的面试编程问题(可能以前常见,现在都是考Leetcode了,这种连Easy 都...
Iterate through pagination in the Rest API 1 Preface About 4 months ago, icewind1991 created an exciting PR that adding Stream/Iterator based versions of methods with paginated results, which makes enpoints in Rspotify more much ergonomic to use, and Mario completed this PR. In order to know what this PR brought to us, we have to go back to the orignal story, the paginated results in Spotify’s Rest API. 2...
The lesson learned from refactoring rspotify 1 Preface Recently, I and Mario are working on refactoring rspotify, trying to improve performance, documentation, error-handling, data model and reduce compile time, to make it easier to use. (For those who has never heard about rspotify, it is a Spotify HTTP SDK implemented in Rust). I am partly focusing on polishing the data model, based on the issue created by Koxiaet. Since rspotify...
1 Preface Today, I am exited to introduce you the v0.9 release I have been continued to work on it for the past few weeks that adds async/await support now! 2 The road to async/await What is rspotify: > For those who has never heared about rspotify before, rspotify is a Spotify web Api wrapper implemented in Rust. With async/await’s forthcoming stabilization and reqwest adds async/await support now, I think...
开发第一个Rust crate 的感受和踩到的坑 最近写了人生第一个 Rust crate – RSpotify. 虽说并不是什么惊天地,泣鬼神的大作,但是也是我花费了近两个月实现的。 现在就来聊...