(笔记)Distributed Systems for fun and profit

1 Distributed Systems for fun and profit source: http://book.mixu.net/distsys/ 2 1. Basic 2.1 Basic concept 本章介绍了分布式系统的基本概念, 例如 scalablity, perfomance, latency, availability 关于 latent, 这里给出了一个很cool的描述: For example, imagine that you are infected with an airbone virus that turns people...

六月 12, 2021 · 24 分钟 · 11619 字 · Ramsay Leung


1 前言 领导平日开会时,总是对我们说,你们思考问题角度太单一与片面,没有想清楚问题背后的逻辑与​作用因子。 所以领导总是会不厌其烦地给我们推荐《...

五月 13, 2021 · 3 分钟 · 1100 字 · Ramsay Leung


1 前言 因为此前读了彼德.海斯勒的《寻路中国》,对中国的社会内在结构与驱动力产生了兴趣. 当然, 我是无法像彼得那样子, 驾车环游中国来作田野调查....

五月 9, 2021 · 9 分钟 · 4175 字 · Ramsay Leung


1 前言 1.1 关于君主论 国内的电视剧总会提到所谓的「帝王心术」,「帝王心术」究竟是什么? 马基雅维利就从他的视角,向世人剖析,什么是帝王心术,一个优...

五月 7, 2021 · 7 分钟 · 3318 字 · Ramsay Leung

Let's make everything iterable

Iterate through pagination in the Rest API 1 Preface About 4 months ago, icewind1991 created an exciting PR that adding Stream/Iterator based versions of methods with paginated results, which makes enpoints in Rspotify more much ergonomic to use, and Mario completed this PR. In order to know what this PR brought to us, we have to go back to the orignal story, the paginated results in Spotify’s Rest API. 2 Orignal Story Taking the artist_albums as example, it gets Spotify catalog information about an artist’s albums....

四月 29, 2021 · 6 分钟 · 1117 字 · Ramsay Leung