1 前言 在肺炎肆虐的2020年, 阅读 这本书想来会别有一番滋味, 因为会有一种身临其境的奇妙之感, 这也是我在2020年结束前想要阅读这本书的初衷....
1 前言 在肺炎肆虐的2020年, 阅读 这本书想来会别有一番滋味, 因为会有一种身临其境的奇妙之感, 这也是我在2020年结束前想要阅读这本书的初衷....
The lesson learned from refactoring rspotify 1 Preface Recently, I and Mario are working on refactoring rspotify, trying to improve performance, documentation, error-handling, data model and reduce compile time, to make it easier to use. (For those who has never heard about rspotify, it is a Spotify HTTP SDK implemented in Rust). I am partly focusing on polishing the data model, based on the issue created by Koxiaet. Since rspotify is API client for Spotify, it has to handle the request and response from Spotify HTTP API....
局中人的思考 1 前言 最近深圳的特殊工时制度搞得甚嚣尘上, 兼之有位与互联网行业完全无交集的朋友咨询我, 为什么你们程序员要996呢? 有感于此, 写下...
1 前言 尾调用消除(tail call elimination, TCE)是函数式编程的重要概念, 有时也被称为尾调用优化(tail call optimization, TCO), 作用是将尾递归函数转化成循环, 避免创建许...
1 导语 呆在那里, 还是走开, 结果一样. – 加缪《局外人》(又译作, 异乡人) 2 妈妈走了 “今天, 妈妈死了, 也许是昨天”. 某天...