1 Preface

Today, I am exited to introduce you the v0.9 release I have been continued to work on it for the past few weeks that adds async/await support now!

2 The road to async/await

What is rspotify: > For those who has never heared about rspotify before, rspotify is a Spotify web Api wrapper implemented in Rust.

With async/await’s forthcoming stabilization and reqwest adds async/await support now, I think it’s time to let rspotify leverage power from async/await. To be honest, I was not familiar with async/await before, because of my Java background from where I just get used to multiple thread and sync stuff(Yes, I know Java has future either).

After reading some good learning resources, such as Async book, Zero-cost Async IO, I started to step into the world of async/await. async/await is a way to write functions that can “pause”, return control to the runtime, ant then pick up from where they left off.

I think perhaps the most important part of async/await is runtime, which defines how to schedule the functions.

Now, by leveraging the async/await power of reqwest, rspotify could send HTTP request and handle response asynchronously.

Futhermore, not only do I refactor the old blocking endpoint functions to async/await version, but also keep the old blocking endpoint functions with a new additional feature blocking, then other developers could choose API to their taste.

3 Overview

album example:

use rspotify::client::Spotify;
use rspotify::oauth2::SpotifyClientCredentials;

async fn main() {
    // Set client_id and client_secret in .env file or
    // export CLIENT_ID="your client_id"
    // export CLIENT_SECRET="secret"
    let client_credential = SpotifyClientCredentials::default().build();

    // Or set client_id and client_secret explictly
    // let client_credential = SpotifyClientCredentials::default()
    //     .client_id("this-is-my-client-id")
    //     .client_secret("this-is-my-client-secret")
    //     .build();
    let spotify = Spotify::default()
    let birdy_uri = "spotify:album:0sNOF9WDwhWunNAHPD3Baj";
    let albums = spotify.album(birdy_uri).await;
    println!("{:?}", albums);

Just change the default API to async, and moving the previous synchronous API to blocking module.

Notes that I think the v0.9 release of rspotify is going to be a huge break change because of the support for async/await, which definitely breaks backward compatibility.

So I decide to make an other break change into the next release, just refactoring the project structure to shorten the import path:


use rspotify::spotify::client::Spotify;
use rspotify::spotify::oauth2::SpotifyClientCredentials;


use rspotify::client::Spotify;
use rspotify::oauth2::SpotifyClientCredentials;

the spotify module is unnecessary and inelegant, so I just remove it.

4 Conclusion

rspotify v0.9 is now available! There is documentation, examples and an issue tracker!

Please provide any feedback, as I would love to improve this library any way I can! Thanks @Alexander so much for actively participate in the refactor work for support async/await.