How To Design A Reliable Distributed Timer

1 Preface I have been maintained a legacy distributed timer for months for my employer, then some important pay business are leveraging on it, with 1 billion tasks handled every day and 20k tasks added per second at most. Even though it’s old and full of black magic code, but it also also have insighted and well-designed code. Based on this old, running timer, I summarize and extract as this article, and it wont include any running code(perhaps pseudocode, and a lot of figures, as an adage says: A picture is worth a thousand words)....

八月 5, 2021 · 9 分钟 · 1845 字 · Ramsay Leung

(笔记)Distributed Systems for fun and profit

1 Distributed Systems for fun and profit source: 2 1. Basic 2.1 Basic concept 本章介绍了分布式系统的基本概念, 例如 scalablity, perfomance, latency, availability 关于 latent, 这里给出了一个很cool的描述: For example, imagine that you are infected with an airbone virus that turns people...

六月 12, 2021 · 24 分钟 · 11602 字 · Ramsay Leung


最近我需要为运行的分布式系统某部分模块构造系统唯一的ID, 而 ID 需要是数字的形式,并应该尽量的短。不得不说,这是一个有趣的问题 1 若干实现策略 查...

五月 23, 2017 · 3 分钟 · 1476 字 · Ramsay Leung